When placed surreptitiously on a box, the right word or phrase can recontextualize its contents. Whether that phrase is “Non-GMO,” “All Natural,” or “MSG FREE,” messaging dramatically moves people. 

So why, years later, are we still falling for the same old bait-and-switch scams perpetrated by big brands? I swear, the answer isn’t always going to be capitalism – but capitalism. 

We spoke with some food science & nutrition experts about problematic packaging claims all brands must move past to preserve the fabric of society.


Kayla Kaplan is a Food Systems Writer with a background in emergency news access research and a master’s degree in food policy and applied nutrition. Kayla knows her shit. She also knows her bullshit. 

“So, if you see something on a label that has a seal, it doesn’t necessarily mean exactly what it says on the label,” starts Kayla, “it just means that the brand has met standards set by the third-party certifier.” Kayla goes on to explain how seals like “Non-GMO,” “The Non-GMO Project,” and even “Vegan” are not regulated on a federal level.”

“It’s pay-to-play,” adds Kayla, which makes it easy for big brands to collect seals but puts smaller brands that can’t afford it at a disadvantage. 

“This might get me into some hot water, but I think that non-GMO certification should be limited to things that have what could be GMOs in them,” says food scientist Kirsten Schimoler.

“There are only twelve GMO-approved products in food. A product made of iced tea, cane sugar, and lemon juice shouldn’t have to be labeled ‘non-GMO verified.’ I think it confuses consumers to the point where they think everything could be GMO.” 


During the 80s and 90s, hyper-processed snacks labeled “Sugar-Free” and “Fat-Free” lined supermarket shelves while real food like eggs and potatoes were designated as “bad for you.”

As it turns out, a sleeve of SnackWell’s is objectively much worse for you than, say, one hard-boiled egg, but the public’s embrace of chemical-laden snacks in lieu of real ingredients marked one of many sea changes in American eating habits. 

“I think we’re shifting into what I would almost call a French or Italian mentality of enjoying decadent, full-fat treats – as long as the ingredients are clean. Alec’s Ice Cream is a great example.” 

All Natural/Vegan

“Heuristics plays a huge part in sustainability or vegan labeling,” adds Kayla, “which is essentially how marketing affects your brain.” For example, brands may use green or brown to indicate a natural vibe, hijacking your brain’s connection to the color to tell a story without expository copy doing the heavy lifting. 

Earthy colors paired with “Vegan” (another third-party certification system) is all that’s needed to convey the message that Mother Earth has your back.  


Whether the craze results from a rogue brainworm or a genuine thirst for unregulated dairy, raw milk is everywhere. 

“As a food scientist, this horrifies me,” says Director of R&D + Innovation at Skinny Dipped, Kirsten Schimoler. “Can you safely drink raw milk? Sure. Can you have a regional milk system in the volume we consume? I don’t think so.” 

Making raw milk part of your lifestyle is attainable, provided you know exactly where your milk comes from and/or have your cows you milk yourself. Raise your hand if you have easy access to cows! 

“Pasteurization gives us time, adds Kirsten, “but time is money for these big corporations.” 


The source of the anti-MSG panic can be pinpointed to a letter published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1968 by a Chinese-American physician named Robert Ho Man Kwok. The letter outlined the precarious symptoms of a racing heart to Chinese food, eventually leading the Journal to coin the term “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.” 

Bottom line: MSG is harmless, practical, and omnipresent in the snack-o-sphere. If you’ve ever eaten KFC, Doritos, or even Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup – congratulations, you’ve eaten MSG! 

Brands like OmSom, which boast “proud, Asian flavors,” take pride in their use of MSG, going so far as to publish compelling articles on the roots of anti-MSG xenophobia. KnowMSG has become a trusted source in the dismantling of MSG misinformation and anti-Asian xenophobia. By educating readers about the history of MSG and presenting studies on the misrepresentations of this objectively safe (and delicious) flavor enhancer, we might finally be able to move past that made up syndrome. 

May Contain Traces

While it may seem like an extra layer of caution for consumers, the whole “may contain traces” label is pretty unhelpful. While food allergy labeling is regulated, it’s the precarious nature of the precautionary allergy label brands take advantage of to cover their butts in case someone croaks from cross-contamination.

“Precautionary allergen labeling is probably one of the things on a food package I hate the most,” adds Kayla, “which is the whole ‘may contain traces of blah, blah, blah.’ It’s not helpful and only there to cover your butt as the manufacturer. Kayla continues to say that while trace allergen labels may seem beneficial, there’s simply not enough information to determine whether someone with a severe allergy can eat the product. 

“This sounds severe,” says Kirsten, “but selling food to people is life or death – it’s a very serious undertaking. Are your allergens labeled wrong? Are your food safety standards up to scratch?” Kirsten brings up an energy bar company featuring a “Gluten-Free” seal on its package despite never meeting with a certification team. 

“Their product was made in a shared facility where there was airborne flour – it was so irresponsible and goes to show you that benevolence and capitalism do not work in the same space.”

Mudge’s Key Takeaways 

Consumers deserve transparency. Misleading labels exploit trust, favor big brands, confuse shoppers, and lead to the disintegration of societal pleasantries. By leading the charge with honest labeling , we can push the food industry toward real integrity rather than empty buzzwords. 

1. Keep claims to a minimum

Especially on front of pack, where the laser focus should be on your brand’s core message and key reasons to purchase.

2. Don’t follow trends 

Stay true to you, and your customers will follow. If your brand is Non-GMO because it contains only ingredients that can’t be GMO, maybe leave it off?

3. Consult an expert 

If you want to make a claim, make sure you talk to an expert to make sure you don’t accidentally mislead someone.

4. Do your research

It is your responsibility to fully understand the history behind certain claims and certifications. Ask yourself: does this align with my brand values? Who does it benefit most? And to quote Alexis Nikole Nelson, “Happy Snacking, Don’t Die!”